Posted by Lethality | 7 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.5 – Roll Away! Plus, Performance Improvements
Today, BioWare pushed Patch 1.1.5 to the live servers, bringing many welcome fixes to players of Star Wars: The Old Republic. While it may pale compared to the shiny that is Patch 1.2 as detailed during the Guild Summit, it’a great to see constant forward movement on a weekly basis from the gang in Austin!
You can find these as well as all previous patch notes at BioWare’s official Patch Notes page on
Patch Notes – 1.1.5 – 3/6/2012
- Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6).
Classes and Combat
- Moving while channeling an ability (such as Telekinetic Throw and Force Lightning) will no longer cancel the Global Cooldown, which would allow those abilities to deal more damage than intended.
Posted by Lethality | 9 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.5 – Public Test Server – I’m Rollin’!
Today, BioWare rolled out a brand new build of Star Wars: The Old Republic to the Public Test Server. Patch 1.1.5 is now available for players to test and the notes are available below, or here.
Items of note are the addition of a /roll command as well as a fix to the Master Looter function. Also interesting is the reduction in price of several speeder models “until patch 1.2”. Hmm.
No word on character copy yet, which is truly required for the PTS to be of any real value (at least to players.)
Anyway, you can get more details from the official Test Center including instructions on how to participate. And don’t forget to head over to the official Public Test Server forums to give BioWare your feedback when you do!
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ — 1.1.5 Patch Notes
Because development is ongoing during testing, it should be noted that all changes and updates listed in the patch notes should be considered incomplete and are subject to change or removal before release to the live servers. The Public Test Server patch notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.
- Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6).
Classes and Combat
Sith Warrior
- The French version of the “Darth” title is now correct.
Posted by Lethality | 16 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.4 – Global Cooldown UI, Bug Fixes & More
BioWare pushed patch 1.1.4 to the live servers earlier today, and includes some bug fixes as well as some minor improvements. Most notably is the inclusion of yser-selectable preferences for the Global Cooldown interface behavior. The flexibility should be just what players were looking for! But I will also take this opportunity to suggest that if BioWare had allowed an open API for add-ons, the community would have solved this long ago and BioWare could have concentrated on more important things.
These notes, as well as all previous notes are available on BioWare’s official patch notes archive.
1.1.4 Patch Notes — 2/22/2012
- The key formerly bound to /bug can now be mapped to any action and no longer opens the /bug window. The command is no longer able to be bound to a quickslot, but player can still type /bug in chat to open a new bug report.
Classes and Combat
- Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability’s range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player.
Imperial Agent
- Medical Therapy: Kolto Probe and Recuperative nanotech will now properly benefit from this skill.
Bounty Hunter
- Carbonize: PvP armor for Combat Tech will no longer prevent this skill from stunning enemies.
Posted by Lethality | 10 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.4 – Public Test Server
BioWare has just pushed patch 1.1.4 to the Public Test Server! One of the most important changes listed in the notes below (so far) is the options for display of the Global Cool Down. For past patches, it hasn’t made much sense to get on the PTS because you needed a higher level character to test the changes. But in this case, you can see the GCD changes from the first time you set foot on to your origin world.
So, I IMPLORE all players to log on to the Public Test Server and try this out… and give BioWare the feedback they need to get this right!
Because development is ongoing during testing, it should be noted that all changes and updates listed in the patch notes should be considered incomplete and are subject to change or removal before release to the live servers. The Public Test Server patch notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.
- The key formerly bound to /bug can now be mapped to any action and no longer opens the /bug window. The command is no longer able to be bound to a quickslot, but player can still type /bug in chat to open a new bug report.
Classes and Combat
Read MoreGeneral
- Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability’s range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player.
Posted by Lethality | 12 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.3 – Surge Rating, Bug Fixes & More
Today, BioWare pushed patch 1.1.3 to the live servers and seems to catch a lot of little bug fixes. The biggest change seems to be in the re-balancing of surge rating, which seems to make more sense the way it’s now described. Being Valentine’s Day, I would have expected some sort of boost to companion affection, but that’s another issue ;)
You can view the full patch notes for 1.1.3 below, or you can check out BioWare’s official patch notes page for these as well as all previous patch notes!
1.1.3 Patch Notes — 2/14/2012
Classes and Combat
- Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%.
Bounty Hunter
- Stabilizers: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Unload.
- Steadied Aim: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Full Auto.
Posted by Lethality | 3 Comments
Patch Notes: 1.1.3 – Public Test Server
Well, you can’t fault ’em for consistency! As soon as a patch is deployed on the live servers, another one shows up on the Public Test Servers! BioWare just pushed 1.1.3 t the PTS and have posted the notes. See anything that sticks out as interesting? What about missing?
You can always find these notes and other PTS information over in BioWare’s Test Center. Let us know if you log on and check out the changes.
Classes and Combat
- Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%.
Bounty Hunter
- Stabilizers: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Unload.
- Steadied Aim: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Full Auto.