Jul 25, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: What Did You Think Of SDCC?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

The weekend that just passed was easily one of the biggest for TOR in recent memory. Short of a release date, you really can’t get much bigger than pre-order information. There were also many Q&A sessions with the developers in which little golden nuggets of information emerged. Check out our full coverage, as well as the great compilation post on the official forums by GamewizX, putting all relevant information together in one big pile.

In addition to that, we saw a brand new gameplay trailer entitled “Join the Fight” that showed off quite a few new things, as well as giving a glimpse into both the combat and the personality of each class.

Even more, we now know that there are going to be beta weekends in September, pointing towards stress tests leading up to launch. From here on in, it’s just a straight path to a release date announcement! Right?

Personally – this weekend brought a lot of good news and confirmed many things for me. I was extremely happy to see that BioWare is listening to its fans and adding in more types of vehicles, more companion customization and control and many, many other things. And of course, this weekend brought me a nice pre-order of a Collector’s Edition of TOR.

What about you? Did BioWare exceed your expectations at this event? Are you even more excited for the release? Of course there’s a p0ll, but we want to hear what you actually thought as well! Discuss!

What did you think of Comic-Con as far as The Old Republic goes?

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Jul 24, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: Do You Live In A Region Unable To Pre-Order TOR?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

On Friday, when pre-orders for Star Wars: The Old Republic began, we heard many cheers and saw a lot of excitement from fans who had long-awaited that moment. However, there was another group of fans left in out in the cold.

Soon after the pre-order program launched, we heard quite a few sighs of disappointment as some people found out that their geographical location prevented them from pre-ordering TOR and participating in Early Game Access, or possibly even retail launch. Unfortunately, if you live in Australia, Asia, South America, or select parts of Europe, you are currently excluded from this ongoing promotion. BioWare Senior Community Manager Stephen Reid started a thread on the official forums addressing those select regions and explaining the reasoning behind the region locks, so if you have any specific questions, you should post them there.

Luckily, some fans have been able to pre-order from online retailers that have international shipping such as Amazon and others, despite the added cost and logistics. However, the danger with pre-ordering like that is that no one seems to be positive if IP addresses or even credit cards are going to blocked from those regions. That’s in addition to playing on a server that is geographically located far away from you, possibly leading to increased latency. Hopefully BioWare will clear up many of these questions and let our friends from those areas know about their plans within near future.

Another issue that emerged with this limitation is that some guilds had members that lived in the regions listed above. As the creation of a guild through the pre-launch guild program requires the founding members to pre-order the game, it is quite hard to do that now, causing some guilds to fall apart or miss out on the guild pre-launch program.

As for our question of the day, let us know if you live in a region that is currently unable to pre-order TOR? Also let us know if your guild is impacted by this restriction in some way.

(Editor’s Note: Ask A Jedi will be covering this issue proactively, stay tuned. We’d also like to hear your thoughts on it.)

Do you live in a region that is currently unable to pre-order TOR?

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Were your guild's plans affected by this restriction in some way?

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BioWare Map Of The World

BioWare Map Of The World (For entertainment purposes only!)

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Jul 20, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: What Would You Like In A Collectors Edition Of TOR??

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

As we found out earlier this week in BM&C, many of you are expecting the collector’s edition details and a release date as part of the announcements coming from BioWare at SDCC this week. The community has been buzzing over the last couple of days, as there is a huge amount of speculation currently present on the SW:TOR official forums. Even Stephen Reid, on his Twitter feed, had to make a remark about all the ongoing speculation on the forums with the following:

For those demanding answers: this the ‘wait’ part of ‘wait and see’. (And btw, no, I don’t need Polish/Spanish help, thx. :) )

This makes the wait even more intriguing and interesting! Collector’s editions of various games are always considered the ultimate versions of the game,  and are made with the hard-core fan in mind. Most of the time, these editions include a bunch of physical goodies likes art books, soundtracks, maps and other collectibles. In addition to that, especially in MMO games, a collectors edition usually gives players some unique in-game items that will set him apart from the crowd. Of course, most of the time these items are purely cosmetic – but they are really awesome to have nonetheless!

Personally – I am extremely excited for SSDC, regardless of what it will bring to us. If we do get some information on the collector’s edition and perhaps (gasp!) something about the mythical release date – this will take me to new levels of happiness and hopefully set me straight on which version of the game I will purchase. I also have complete faith in BioWare that they will make the CE worth it by including something that is awesome as both physical item(s), as well as an in-game item(s). So as Stephen Reid said himself – “wait and see!“.

What about you? What do you want to see in the collectors edition? Is there a particular item you’d like to see? Do you think you will be getting a collector’s edition? Let us know!

Will you buy the collector's edition of TOR?

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What items are most important to you in a collector's edition? (Multiple choice!)

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