Nov 28, 2011

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Yellow Posts: Keybinds, Lightsabers, And Community Updates

For those of you who did not get into the beta, you may be curious to know if you will be able to re-map key bindings to your desired configuration. Forum user Boozefish was curious and confused since he had heard that this feature was not available in the current beta build. He posted a thread titled, “Changing default keybinds,” to ask about it. However, Damion Schubert, Principal Lead Systems Designer, was able to step-in and let us know that key binds are able to be modified:

Keybinding is in, fear not.

Forum poster Aximand found a quote that Stephen Reid said at San Diego Comic Con when he was asked about lightsaber colors. In the thread titled “’Dozens and dozens’ of colors,” Aximand wanted to know of Mr. Reid’s quote about there being “dozens and dozens” of lightsaber color options was accurate. David Bass, Senior Community Coordinator, confirmed that yes, there are tons of colors that haven’t been discovered yet by data mining:

There are definitely still undiscovered colors out there.

Have you been planning on getting your guild into the Pre-Launch Guild Program? Well you better hurry, because sign-ups for the program end on December 2. As Associate Community Production Coordinator Courtney Woods, explains:

A few weeks ago weannounced that Phase 3 of our Pre-Launch Guild Program had begun. Phase 3: Deployment allows guild members to see whether or not their guild qualifies for transfer into the game. As we approach Early Game Access for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, we want to remind all of you in guilds that the Pre-Launch Guild Program will end on December 2nd, 11:59PM CST so that guilds can be assigned to servers for Early Game Access.

Lastly, a new associate community manager has just popped up on the scene. JovethGonzalez created his welcome post on Saturday during the crazyness of beta test weekend starting up. Since most of you were probably busy testing the game, be sure to head over to the forums and welcome our new community manager to the fray…err…community!

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Oct 14, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: What Info Do You Think Will Come Out Of NYCC?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

Welcome to another Friday edition of Blue Milk & Cereal! And it’s not just any Friday – it’s New York Comic Con Friday! What does that mean for the TOR faithful? Well, I’m not sure. But hopefully something special is coming our way!

With the revelation yesterday over on TORWars that NYCC was originally going to be the stage for the announcement of the release date, and Eurogamer Expo was sort of an accident, we got to thinking. Just what will we see out of NYCC?

BioWare’s Stephen Reid said during an interview with Newsarama yesterday that there aren’t any huge reveals, but there will be some cool new “visuals”. Interesting. I wonder if this will be in conjunction with the Friday update or something extra?

In any case, as we do with most conventions, we thought we’d ask what info you expect/hope for from NYCC. The list of possibilities is getting a little smaller, but the mind can still wander! Let us know!

What announcements do you hope/think will come out of New York Comic Con this weekend?

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Aug 28, 2011

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Wild Space: PAX Prime

It’s a big galaxy out there, and Wild Space can be a dangerous place. Worry not, explorer – each week we’ll navigate you safely through the lost hyperspace routes of the Deep Core and track down the great articles and entertainment from around the SW:TOR fan community, all in less than 12 parsecs, of course!

This has been a crazy good week for SW:TOR fans! We started off at the amazing Eurpoean show gamescom and will end at PAX Prime, which takes place in my former hometown of Seattle. Tons of information has come out about Warzones and Operations from gamescom and it appears that the trend will continue with PAX. Since this week, most fansites have been busy either recuperating from gamescom or preparing for PAX (or both), I thought that it would be appropriate to continue my theme from last week and focus on the PAX information that is already starting to trickle out from the fansite community.

Darth Hater has continued with their popular theme of live blogging the official BioWare presentations and Q&A’s. The two live blog transcripts from today’s two developer presentations can be found on the Darth Hater website. Some noteworthy pieces of information to come out of those presentations:

You will not be able to enter Warzones with premade groups of eight people. Eventually, they might add “multiple group queues” to the game. Do I detect “rated battlegrounds” (or rated Warzones) in our future?

“[BioWare] is working on a system that prompts you to friend people after grouping with them.”

Further clarification of Huttball team mechanics (Republic can fight Republic and Empire can fight Empire; the two factions cannot combine onto the same team).

In addition to keeping us up to date on their twitter feed, the ladies from Corellian Run Radio coaxed some raid lockout information from the lead Operations man himself, Gabe Amatangelo. For instance:

“Easy mode and hard mode raids will NOT share a lockout.”

A potential third difficulty mode was teased: “medium”. Definitely won’t be in the game for launch (and might not be in the game at all).

TORWars always does a great job of getting exclusive video of the conventions and getting them up quickly and PAX Prime is no exception. As of this writing, there are three PvP gameplay videos available:

Exclusive PAX Video: Alderaan Warzone – Jedi Sentinel vs Marauder, Juggernaut
Exclusive PAX Video: Alderaan Warzone – Trooper vs. Sith Assassin
Exclusive PAX Video: Huttball Play-by-Play With Stephen Reid

Be sure to check out all of this great content courtesy of the awesome SW:TOR fansite community!

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