Oct 14, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 21 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: What Info Do You Think Will Come Out Of NYCC?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

Welcome to another Friday edition of Blue Milk & Cereal! And it’s not just any Friday – it’s New York Comic Con Friday! What does that mean for the TOR faithful? Well, I’m not sure. But hopefully something special is coming our way!

With the revelation yesterday over on TORWars that NYCC was originally going to be the stage for the announcement of the release date, and Eurogamer Expo was sort of an accident, we got to thinking. Just what will we see out of NYCC?

BioWare’s Stephen Reid said during an interview with Newsarama yesterday that there aren’t any huge reveals, but there will be some cool new “visuals”. Interesting. I wonder if this will be in conjunction with the Friday update or something extra?

In any case, as we do with most conventions, we thought we’d ask what info you expect/hope for from NYCC. The list of possibilities is getting a little smaller, but the mind can still wander! Let us know!

What announcements do you hope/think will come out of New York Comic Con this weekend?

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  1. EGA is coming in november, BW has talked a lot about PvE and PvP already, there is not many more info to come on that matter, so now it is time for some Comic Abs at Comic Con.


  2. Someone give us a race/class matrix, dear God, please.

    • These seem to be the current combos…
      BH: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Rattataki, Chiss
      IA: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Rattataki, Chiss
      SW: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Sith Pureblood (only 4)
      SI: Human, Twi’lek, Zabrak, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood

      T: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Mirialan (only 4)
      S: Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Mirialan, Twi’lek
      JK: Human, Zabrak, Mirialan, Miraluka, Twi’lek
      JC: Human, Zabrak, Mirialan, Miraluka, Twi’lek

  3. This is one of those damn polls Lethality is skilled at. The gap between what I ‘want’ to come out and ‘think’ will come out.
    want – early access math
    think – 4 different photo’s of a launch beard by Reid, 3 photo’s of ppl tossing up bunny ears on Bioware employees, 2 partial slip ups by staff who want to share more but can’t find a way to phrase it without getting tackled by Stephen Reid, and 1 new photo of Erickson’s 9 pack abs.

  4. I have been expecting the Early Game Access start date announcement since they announced the release date. After yesterdays interview, I am not so sure that I was correct in my thinking. I would imagine that would be considered a “big announcement” and SR said there will be none. So now I suppose I just expect little tidbits here and there and mostly things we have seen already but from another angle.

  5. BabblingSage says:

    I’d like to see some details on the server list’s names and maybe an official skill tree calculator. Although early game access details would be sweet

  6. Seven-minute DE Abs.

    Because six minutes Abs are stupid.

  7. I don’t expect them to release early game access until end of November. Any earlier and it could screw up the purpose of a staggered launch…

    I expect a new PvP video, maybe releasing a Void star video… they haven’t talked about it in a long time.

    I want to know about the legacy system :)

  8. Abdominals workout video. It’s so obvious!

    I mean, duh!

    Who wants to see a bunch of bounty hunters and smugglers running around with beer guts?

  9. Skill trees are what I am hoping for

  10. Voted for Early accses info, while i don’t think that it will be early acces i do hope it will be.

    otherwise im hoping for pre launch skill info or talent tree’s

  11. Video detailing character creation options. Would satisfy the “new visuals” idea and give us something meaty. Might be nice to have that with a finalized list of race/class combinations. We’re in October…can we get some character creation action already?

  12. @Raz …. good one
    maybe some final clarity on Cyborgs also

  13. What ever happened to James Ohlen’s “big other thing” that was mentioned over the summer?

    I doubt he was referring to the release date or the galaxy map. Suppose I could be wrong though.

    • It’s hard to keep track of these things. The fellas at Bioware are so damn cryptic sometimes in the things they say. But yeah, i can’t think of anything we’ve seen that really satisfies that comment.

      I will say, however, that they might be waiting for the weekend after Blizzcon to drop one more nice, big info bomb on us. It’s what I would do if i was at Bioware. Nothing ground breaking or anything, but just a tasty morsel to take attention back from Blizz and put it on TOR where it belongs.

      • That would be the smart thing for BioWare to do.

        Blizzard is supposed to drop some sort of big information this year from what my Blizzard fanboy friends are saying. With the release of TOR imminent and the interest in WoW currently waning, I’m inclined to believe them.

        To steal back the spotlight, it wouldn’t surprise me overly much if they do have that “one big thing” in reserve.

        Then again, maybe that “one big thing” was something already announced. *shrugs* Who knows?

  14. Anyone know if there is going to be a live stream?

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