Sep 13, 2011

Posted by in News | 16 Comments

Same-Gender Romance Arcs Are A “Post-Launch” Feature

One of the particularly persistent topics of discussion on the official SW:TOR forums was that of same-gender romance arcs for characters to follow with their companion characters.

This has been a hallmark of previous BioWare games such as the Mass Effect series, but nothing specific had been said about the prospect in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Finally in an interview during San Diego Comic Con, Live Producer Cory Butler revealed that there in fact would not be same gender romance arcs available in the game. That announcement was, needless to say, met with mixed reaction.

Today, Senior Community Manager Stephen Reid posted an official statement on BioWare’s position on same gender romance arcs in TOR. While it may not be everything advocates were hoping for, it should make many players happy knowing that eventually, they’ll see them in the game:

Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.

So, players can rest assured that BioWare has not forgotten about some of the things that make them unique as storytellers. Head on over to the official forums to discuss it in full!

  1. Great a lesbian iterracial relation with lekkus and horns on my computer I will see!

  2. Personally what I found most interesting in this post is the fact that they are looking at including more companion characters for expansions.

    While I had thought they would, this is the first I’ve seen official mention of it.

    As I imagine companion characters are obtained by playing out the main story quest-line for you class (much as they would be in BioWare RPG games), I suppose that means there is a good chance that our class stories may pick up again in expansions.

    Knowing how they have the ability to make your choices matter(like in the mass effect franchise) and how BioWare knows how to make expansions to a game read those choices and have it alter details and events in the expansions, it brings to mind all sorts of interesting possibilities.

    While we haven’t even gotten our hands on TOR’s initial release yet, it is nice to know they are probably still thinking about
    stories and not just more gameplay in future expansions for the game.

  3. Why do we even need same gender story archs…

    Edited: No judging here, just opinion please. – Lethality

    • Please enlighten us all as to why.

      Edited: Since I edited the original comment :) – Lethality

    • 1. There is a very strong LGBT community in regard to video games in general and online gaming specifically. WoW had numerous gay and lesbian guilds, some of which were quite large. Anything game developers can do to make more players feel welcome and at home in their games is a good thing.

      2. Variety and diversity in story and game experience. Why not allow for a wider range of romance possibilities and story arcs? It doesn’t hurt anyone and more content in a game is almost always a good thing.

      3. It creates a richer world and more possibilities for individual players to experience a unique story and game experience. More romance options, hetero or homosexual, means more options period. If I play a male SW and romance Vette, and you play a female SW and romance a future female companion, that’s just more ways your experience has been different than mine and more for us to talk about.

      4. It serves as a positive image to the rest of the world about the gaming community. All you have to do is read about 3 entries on “Fat, Ugly, or Slutty” or log into an FPS on Xbox 360 to be witness to some of the most offensive and homophobic content ever spouted by mankind. I, as a gamer, am happy to have anything that I can point to when talking to non-gamers as an example of maturity and open-mindedness within the greater gaming community.

      How’s that? :)

  4. Another shining example of the creators of the game listening to their fans :)

    • Or fans over-reacting ahead of time. It’s entirely possible this was always a non-issue that the devs had in mind. I mean, both ME and DA games include same-sex romances so there is a definite precedent for LGBT-friendly content in Bioware games.

      If this came about due to the devs listening, then great. But don’t underestimate the possibility that the fans never needed to get so worried in the first place. Either way, though, nice that they finally addressed it in a helpful way and that the result should make a lot of people happy (eventually).

      • If same sex romances are not included I would point the finger more at Lucas arts licencing policy then bioware themselves. I Do recall a few years ago some controversy with Star wars, in the news regarding there being no Homosexuals in the star wars Universe being a policy.

        While I personally Disagree with “No Gays in Star Wars” position that may exist. I do see the unwanted larger head ache that would come once the news and religious right got a hold of A Homosexual Protagonist in what the uninformed can only see as a Children’s Fantasy world.

        Lucas Arts, EA, and Bioware Probably Don’t want to take time out of a busy launch schedule already full of unavoidable hurdles to overcome, to send valuable PR personnel onto FOX news to defend the product at release. as well they don’t want to Be branded by the Public as that weird sex game Aimed at kids years after every one has even forgotten where they even heard that (EG Mass Effect controversy). First impressions are important and A bunch Of crabby moms Protesting some thing they know little about or Some Pundit blowing A minor controversy out of proportion for ratings could hurt sales at a crucial time for the product.

        The safer rout to chose is to deal with the minor grumbles of omitting Same sex Romance of Mostly fans who will likely buy the game regardless. Better to Avoid the White Hot rage of The masses who are not as understanding.
        Its a sad thing to see art Censored like this, But video games are a business and I understand the reasoning behind it. We can only hope that Some time from now Same Gender relation ships along with other more controversial features can be added in more low profile way such as a patch when less lunatics are paying attention.

  5. I think its wonderful. It’s all about having more choices. There are going to be people like that out there who are fearful of gay people, but they can just not choose it. We are the Land of the Free after all.

  6. Where is the robot LOVE!!!!!
    LGBT has been seen in previous product releases so i have hoped it would be a non-issue, but this is Star Wars where is Scorpio in a gold bikini?

  7. I knew they will eventually implement them, but I’m very happy to learn they are a high priority post-launch.

    It’s also good to know they intend to make SGRAs full blown story arcs and that is why they couldn’t put them on the table for launch.

  8. ScytheNoire says:

    The amount of men making female characters has just increased. ;)

  9. I had fun with one playthrough of Dragon Age were I started a romance with every possible companion male or female mostly because it was funny to see what they would say about each other :)

    That being said I hope you will be allowed to have multiple romances, end and restart them, and have short romances with non-companion NPC’s.

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