Sep 10, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 21 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: Which Crew Skills Will You Choose?


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Crew Skills are shaping up to be one of the more innovative systems in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The ability for your companions to assist in helping you craft items and gather materials, independent of what your main character is doing, is a boon to those who love crafting but can’t devote the time to do it themselves. Heck, your companions can even be working for you while you’re offline!

The Crew Skills page was recently updated, revealing all of of the available skills. They fall into three categories – Gathering, Crafting and Mission skills. Your crew can be trained in any 3 of these, so long as only one of them is a Crafting skill.

While we don’t have much else to go on, the descriptions on the Crew Skills page provide just enough info to get the ball rolling. Indeed, based on your class choice, you can now being thinking about what Crew Skills would help your character. Earlier this week, our own Zlatto gave a run down on his reasoning behind the Crew Skills he’s choosing. Now, we want to hear from you.

Which Crew Skills will you choose? What are the reasons? Or do you need more info to play your hand?

Which Crew Skills will you choose? (Choose 3, only 1 Crafting Skill)

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  1. I’m still trying to decide. A lot depends on how difficult it is to change them and level them up.

    Normally in the beginning I like to focus on gathering skills to make money, and then switch to a crafting skill that benefits my class, but we’ll see.

    Everything I’ve heard so far indicates that slicing will be good to have though. It’s mostly wait and see right for me.

  2. Youve listed Archaeology twice, your missing diplomacy.

  3. I’m going to start with skills most optimal for my class but in the end I’m going to have every single crew skill with my alts.

  4. I love the Archeology skill set. Especially the story line/lore options it brings. For me, that skill set brings more life and color to the game.

    Especially if it was something that thousands upon thousands of years later Luke Skywalker uncovers and uses to rebuild the Jedi order. :)

  5. Awesome

    My Trooper Commando is getting Slicing, Scavenging and Cybertech…

  6. Ok … I know I had a whole article on my choices, but I have a follow up question to Lethality’s post.
    Does the survey above give you pause on what you are thinking of selecting and some other options emerge for you?

    it sure does for me, the lack of interest in CyberTech means its lame or unknown. Becoming the best crafter in a less followed path does have its advantages.

    • I completely agree. I was always planning on going Archaeology/Artifice, but now that I see 46%/38% of people getting each respective skill, it makes me take a step back and think about it further.

  7. Personally going with Armormech, Scavenging, and Slicing.

  8. do your crew members get separate skills too? and if they dohow many can they have?

    • No, your Crew Skills are the skills for your entire crew, including yourself.

      So you get to pick 3, and your character (and his/her crew) can only do those three things. And one of then can be crafting, but doesn’t have to be (and no more than one.)

  9. do your crew members get separate skills too? and if they do how many can they have?

  10. Trooper Commando

    Gathering: Scavenging
    Crafting: Armstech
    Mission: Underworld Trading

  11. Lord-Maknoe says:

    I’m not %100 sure on what I want, seeing they haven’t said anything yet about if you need a specific gathering skill to use a specific crafting skill. But as of for now, I am Archaeology, Artifice, and Diplomacy. Archaeology is something I’m sure I want, but artifice and Diplomacy, I need more info if I’m gonna switch those two out.

  12. Depending on your class some skill make more sense than others. I am planing to make my first character a Trooper/Commando so Scavenging, Armstech and Investigation look useful.

  13. Archaeology,
    Underworld trading,
    And Artifice.

    Sith Inquisitor.

  14. Sith Warrior (Juggernaught)


  15. First character: Smuggler scoundrel
    scavenging, synthweaving and underworld trading

    Main/second character: Consular shadow
    slicing, artifice, diplomacy

    I switch my mains specialization after seeing the pole results. Now I’m pretty confident I can get the mats I’ll need for artifice cheap… but having my main as my second toon will let me gauge the market first.

    I’d definitely recommend a bioanalysis/biochem as an alt. if its anything like WOW’s alchemy/herb (pre-WotLK) it will be an easy money maker at end game. Damn DK’s ruined the market :)

  16. Tupac Shakur says:

    I’ll be be running a bounty hunter, of Mandalorian lineage, so story wise he’ll be a bio-chem and bio-analysis so to create adernals and augment his physical traits with cybernetic implants. (Much like Canderous.)

    For Mission, he’ll be an investigator, so to help track down his prey, and justify their final sentence with the evidence he gathers.

    Real R.P. reasons.


  1. » Around the Holonet: Results from Ask a Jedi’s crew skills survey. Force Fed - [...] their votes and the results are in!  If you are interested in seeing all the details check out the…

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