Jun 4, 2011

Posted by in News | 23 Comments

E3 Information – What Should We Talk About?

With the recent sneak-peak video reveal on GameSpot, we now know a bit of what to expect from Star Wars: The Old Republic at E3 next week!

While we’re at the expo, we’ll be partaking in a 15 minute, one-on-one interview with a select BioWare developer (who it will be depends on availability.) And I can tell you from experience, that 15 minutes will fly right by! So, we want to make it count.

It seems like BioWare is ready to talk about quite a few things now. So what should we focus our time on? Should we grill them on operations and progression? Maybe a deep-dive into companion character progression? Or perhaps the newly revealed vehicle system!

I don’t think we can go wrong with anything, but with only 15 minutes, we want the most bang for the buck.

So what say you? What should we focus on? Cast your vote below! And if you have something specific, let us know in the comments!

What area of TOR would you like to hear more about from E3?

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E3 2010

  1. Raids!!!! Player size, how many difficulty levels. Do you need to do the normal before heroic? Things like that.

    • Lethality says:

      I hear ya on that :)

    • LazyBuddha says:

      Seems to be there only thing here or there we do not know. Raid size and difficulty is one of them.
      Also The legacy system (which we have no real idea) and the Crafting research system (which we can guess at)

    • Dakota H says:

      Yes, I am very curious how the difficulty of operations will be distinguished. Do we have to play through the lower setting, get the gear from there, and then continue on to the more difficult setting? Or, will the most difficult setting be open at the beginning and just be more challenging? My hope is on the latter so it will feel like less of a grind, and end game would theoretically be open to more content.

    • i hope for easy difficulty, while hard difficulty are fun for the challenge, easy difficulty are better suited for doing “lan party”. (i know technically you can’t lan swtor but you get the idea, every one in the same house doing a raid.)

      hell it was hard to do those 10 man raids in wow with a half drunk tank and 5 drunk dps, although one of my best mmo memories :)

  2. chronium says:

    I want to know more about the hardcore crafting route for crew skills. I also want to know about Legacy system that has been briefly hinted at a while ago.

  3. Superset says:

    Player resource systems. IE: mana, energy, rage, runic power etc from WOW. Also about the GCD 1.5 or 1.0 etc. Any form of arenas or pvp season?

  4. Why on earth they put in open pvp areas on pve servers, cant they keep that on the pvp server?

  5. Well, Operations is definitely the new one thing, but I think we’ll get a lot of that anyways. They also mentioned World PvP, so I’d really like to hear more on that if they are willing.

  6. Azrayel says:

    Definatly Operations!

    Also make sure they know they are in fire hehe :-D

  7. TheDarkKnight says:

    I seem to be seeing a trend.. I maybe wrong but Raids seem quiet popular :)

  8. Will there be attunements, and I mean the old school long ass quest chain kind of attunements.

  9. GrandPubah says:

    Lifetime subs????

  10. Pashtun says:

    A status update on species. Are you actively trying to get others in game? Are we getting more for release or is what we see what we get?

  11. no pvp option =(
    well mount it is then =P

  12. Rackham says:

    I’m with the others regarding the interest in operations. Those will be the key as to what’s available at endgame. It’s the make it or break it factor for most new MMOs- although I’m guessing SWTOR will have lots of endgame options!

    I’m also eagerly awaiting the next cinematic for pure visual candy reasons! ;)

  13. I think you should talk about operations maybe Companions and Space combat

  14. Ajay (R2D2) says:

    I’d like to know a little more about the availability of mounts and a few more examples of the variety. In addition, I am curious about the research aspect of crafting. Finally, more raid / operations info would be nice, but I feel that may be too early to talk about in detail at this time. Some raid questions that could get answered…
    How many raids are planned to be at launch?
    Will the raids be cross-faction? (Thinking of Fatal Alliance, guessing no)
    How often can you repeat raids?
    What incentives, besides gear, are there for going through raids?
    As far as we can tell, raids appear to be true end-game content (at max level of what we are guessing is 50 at this time), so how will Bioware create raids to be appealing for replayability? Are there multiple paths available in the raids, depending on class or skills available?

  15. TorMongo says:

    If you get to speak to Gabe, please ask him if PvE servers will be like DAoC/WAR normal servers.

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