Nov 9, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: Are You An Over-Achiever?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

On Monday, at the Second Fan Site Summit (#SWTOUR on Twitter), Game Director James Ohlen, responding to a question by our very own Lethality, re-confirmed that an achievement system will be in place when SW:TOR launches on December 20th. With the pervasiveness of achievement systems in what seems like every game nowadays, it comes as no surprise that BioWare will be including the system in SW:TOR.

Services like Gamerscore on the Xbox, Trophies on the PS3, and achievements in other MMOs are so second nature to us now, that we expect them to be present in every game that we play. So from that point of view, I’m glad that BioWare was able to get them in for launch.

Personally, I’m not out to gather every achievement point that I can find in order to get my total as high as it can go. I think my Xbox Gamerscore and World of Warcraft Achievement point total on my best character are both around 3000 or so (disgraceful, I know). However, what I do like is getting those rare achievements, the ones that are difficult to complete and that not everyone has. It is nice to be able to point to those achievements and say “Yeah, that’s right. I did that.”

So how about you? Do you all try to complete every achievement out there and get the best score possible? Do you complete them if you can, but you don’t go out of your way to find them? Or do you just not care about achievements at all? Let us know!

Do you consider yourself an over-Achiever?

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Nov 7, 2011

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Blue Milk & Cereal: What Info Do You Hope Comes Out Of The Fan Site Summit?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

It’s early-morning Texas time on November 7th. The sun is peaking over the horizon thanks to the time change over the weekend, but not even this unholy hour can quell the excitement – The Fan Site Summit starts today!

As you may have heard, BioWare is hosting another Fan Site Summit (the last one was in April of 2011,) and Ask A Jedi is honored to be here for it! Last night, the pre-Summit festivities kicked off in style with the customary drinks in the Westin lobby bar, followed by a true Texas BBQ experience at County Line (transported by a calvary of taxis, it was a sight to behold.) The night was capped by a few more drinks at the w xyz bar at the nearby aloft hotel. Our buddys over at TORWars have a great gallery covering all the shenanigans if you’d like to catch up!

However, the reason we’re REALLY here begins today. We’ve come to find out what BioWare has in store for all of us who are so patiently (?) waiting for TOR to arrive on December 20th. The itinerary shows that we’ll be playing the game a LOT, but the specifics are murky. There are also some developer Q&A sessions in which we hope to data-mine their brains so we can bring the info right back here for you all to devour.

Which brings us to today’s topic. What exactly is it that you hope to hear coming out of the Fan Site Summit? Are you looking for new reveals? Or maybe more detail on something we already know about? Obviously, a poll on this kind of question can only take us so far – let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below!

And be quick about it – maybe we can take some of these demands across the street to the BioWare Austin studio with us in an hour or so!

What info do you hope comes out of the Fan Site Summit?

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