Feb 10, 2012

Posted by in News | 9 Comments

Cooldown UI Changes Preview

It seems as though BioWare is definitely taking all of the chatter about the hit-and-miss changed to the global cool down notification seriously. Serious enough to not only make changes but it fact give players control to tailor it to their preferences!

In a new blog post this evening, BioWare posted a few screen shots of the UI, along with some new preferences, plus a video that shows what some of the options look like.

What do you guys think? Is giving options the way to go, or should they just find a standardized way to work for everyone? Personally, I’d like to see a UI API so that players can craft their own solutions, and BioWare could concentrate on more important things.

Hop on over to see the full post, and view the video!




  1. Brilliant! Style 4 ftw!

  2. Aslong its made 1 per slot and not the fullbar , am cool with what ever =P

  3. Lady Republic says:


  4. Love the cooldown timer overlay, should give those classes that are dependent on getting certain abilities off a bit of help

  5. TipTopPoet says:

    Great. Love the new changes. The cooldown timer text overlay is a feature I really missed.

  6. Looks great! I so looking forward to the timer AND the flash.

  7. Alexandrian says:

    Yup very happy with these plans; i love that BW are responding to things so quickly, and I would always rather have a choice than not. I still don’t really understand why they are so against external addons – there are things like the GTN interface that an addon could easily fix for those that are bothered, leaving BW free to work on other things.

  8. FINALY!
    timer overlay was one of biggest features i missed in SWTOR

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