Oct 9, 2011

Posted by in Wild Space | 2 Comments

Wild Space: This One’s For The Little Guy

It’s a big galaxy our there, and Wild Space can be a dangerous place. Worry not, explorer – each week we’ll navigate you safely through the lost hyperspace routes of the Deep Core and track down the great articles and entertainment from around the SW:TOR fan community, all in less than 12 parsecs, of course!

There are a lot of SW:TOR fansites out there, some big some small. This week I am going to be focusing on some of the lesser known fansites that are out in hyperspace producing great content! All of these deserve to be on your bookmark list!


First up is Tim from his personal blog, BloggingTor. We all know that the Beta Testing weekends are available for a very limited time and everyone wants to get the most out of their time in-game. Tim has come up with his top ten list of items that should prepare you for the beta weekends or help you get more out of your time if you are lucky enough to have gotten in. Probably the most important point?

Give Honest Feedback.  When filling out a survey about a quest, please give honest and objective feedback.  If you experience lag occasionally, don’t give it the worst rating available.  If you die during your quest because of a bug, don’t give super high negative feedback followed by nasty comments.  Bioware takes the feedback seriously […]

The goal of beta testing, after all, is to improve the game before it’s release. By submitting honest and constructive feedback you are directly helping BioWare create the best game experience possible and those of us who aren’t in the beta certainly appreciate that. Be sure to check out the full article here.


Over on OldRepublic.net, editor vexx has created some really nice guides to the classes in SW:TOR. It includes a little bit of fluff about the class, description about the companions available to the class, some of the ships and armor available, as well as the currently known class abilities. While most of the information may be contained on the SW:TOR website, OldRepublic.net has a really good way or organizing the content for each class and making it really easy to access. Check out this week’s addition, the Imperial Agent, or vist this page for a list of all the available class guides.

SWTOR Crewskills

Are you interested in SW:TOR’s crew skills system? SWTOR Crewskills has you covered! They have great overviews of every crew skill available and will continue to add more content when the game begins. Currently there are descriptions of every Gathering, Crafting, and Mission skill and I wanted to point you all to the site because it has so much potential. The amount of information they have already added to the site is staggering when you consider that all they have to go on is the main SW:TOR website. Definitely keep an eye on this site once the NDA drops and the game is released. I have a feeling I’ll be spending a lot of my time on SWTOR Crewskills.

  1. Grinstone says:

    First things first: the link for OldRepublic.net needs a tweak.

    OldRepublic.net and SWTOR Crewskills look like they’ll be really good reference sites once the game’s up and running. I’m sure I’ll be popping in on them fairly regularly.

  2. Ok the oldrepublic and crew skills I enjoyed those sites. Blogging TOR really. It’s basically a troll site. All I saw on this site were people whining and crying about how SWTOR is going to fail. All I got from that site is just negativity. And a couple of news articles that I would rather read here or at TORWARS. Yeah I would never recommend blogging TOR to anyone.

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