Oct 7, 2011

Posted by in News | 11 Comments

Friday Update: Companion Character Dev Blog #2 and Jedi Knights vs Bounty Hunters!

Another packed Friday for updates!

This Friday update pleases me greatly.

The first update was a second Companion Character Developer Blog by the venerable William Wallace, Senior Game Designer. He expands off the first blog in a number of ways; and it primarily points to the Beta testers as having an impact on the companion AI. An excerpt:

A common situation familiar to MMO players is the departure of a member halfway through a quest or instance (As a personal example: I once abandoned a group in the middle of an instance when my washing machine caught fire. These things happen!). This could potentially ruin the game experience for all involved parties, but with the ability to substitute a companion in this situation, an experienced group of players will often be able to mitigate the impact of this event and continue their adventure.

Vette, that Imperial outfit looks great on you. /neckshock

Second, we have an interesting video debate between four designers and their picks in the eternal fight between Jedi Knights and Bounty Hunters!

In “Choose Your Side,” members of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ development team debate the merits of the various in-game classes to see who will truly reign supreme. In the first installment in this four-part series, the noble Jedi Knight squares off against the nefarious Bounty Hunter. In support of the Jedi Knight is Senior Writer Hall Hood and Designer Austin Peckenpaugh, while Senior System Designer Pete Warner and Writer Randy Begel defend the Bounty Hunter.

As always, make sure to “Like” Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ on Facebook or follow on Twitter to receive updates!

  1. Grinstone says:

    Ha ha ha! Those devs are such nerds!

    I know this ’cause I… totally didn’t watch the video. ’cause I’m not a nerd.


    Look, a sith!


  2. Spootybeaver says:

    Jedi FTW!

  3. still waiting on another timeline episode

  4. Conflict… what a fantastic way to market the game. Somebody is doing their job right!

  5. Meathooks says:

    I have to say if it wasn’t for William Wallace, the updates post release date announcement would be awfully lackluster. So thank god for the companion blogs. I was excited to see Choose Your Side at first, as I thought it was going to be a really cool way that they were going to showcase class abilities, in a Deadliest Warrior fashion. I was let down when it was just the devs talking about a hypothetical duel between two classes, with a few clips of combat animation.

    However, since it was a two-fer this week I’m not going to dwell on it. Hopefully we’ll get some timeline updates, progression videos, and more class info soon.

  6. I love this scene:

    Jedi waves his hand and says: “You will drop your weapons and surrender to me.”

    Bounty Hunter mimics Jedi hand gesture and replies in same tone: “You will realize what a complete idiot you are.”

    I love that, its almost enough to make me want to choose a bounty hunter for my character. However, I’d say the Jedi Knight will win that battle.

    • Meathooks says:

      Haha, yeah that was one really great part about the video. The Bounty Hunter is really shaping up to be one of my favorite classes. Great companions, great dialogue, if my guild ends up going Sith Empire, I’m definitely picking this class for a main.

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