Sep 18, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 8 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: Will You Make Your Morality Choices?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

It’s no secret that Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to have a lot of dialogue (fully voiced, of course) with a generous helping of choices you can make along the way. Based on some of the more critical dialogue choices a player makes, he or she gains Light or Dark side points, eventually enabling the player access to some alignment-specific gear and potentially other perks.

For seasoned RPG players, they may follow their traditional approach, making choices organically and following how they feel their character would react in a given situation. Then there are players who will strictly pick the Dark or Light side choices, regardless of how they actually feel and will try to maximize that. The variety of approaches is diverse, which is one of the big draws of the game.

There is an ongoing thread on the official forums that asks the TOR community a similar question where many players state they will make their choices based on what their character would do. Personally, I feel like as long as the players aren’t forced to pick a certain option in order to obtain the “best gear” – then it leaves room to actually playing the game the way you want it and that’s very important for a game that banks on the story element so much.

What about you? Will you follow a certain pre-determined path? Or will you merely go with the flow and enjoy the story as it develops in front of you? Let us know below!

How will you make your main character's morality choices in TOR?

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  1. I personally picked the “I will choose based on what my character would do (75%, 3 Votes)” due to the fact this is one area I really have no freaking idea what I’m going to do. I want to play my toon true to my main value system and the choices, when suprisingly ominus foreshadowing or difficult life or death choices come up. It’s much more difficult when you find yourself drawn into the story, living in the star wars universe vicariously through this onscreen persona. On this one, I suppose the force will guide me.


  2. I’m just going to go by the situation at hand, however, I do feel that the Dark side may have more interesting choices, and be more fun.

    For instance, Han choosing the Dark side and shooting Greedo first was way cooler than any of the Light side options.

  3. Like in every BW games I played, I will do as I fell right from MY point of view. Not based on the background of my character or on light/dark choices only. It nearly every time ends being good choices (but a little bit “grey” as well.), that’s why I choose republic instead of empire dispite the fact that I wanted to play Bounty Hunter. Hopefuly they made the smuggler pretty attractive to me, and the guardian looks neat as well.

  4. I’ll chose mostly LS unless grey or dark answer strucks me and i wont be able to resist to chose it :)

  5. Dark side all the way, no mercy.

  6. Honestly I’m not going to say that im going all light or all dark but instead I think that during my first playthrough I’m going to actually either chose my choices based on what I would do in real life, or I am going to make my choices dependent on the flip of a coin. The flip of the coin will most likely be on my second playthrough do to the fact that its more of a chance/fate playthrough. So for first, defiantly on what I would do personally in real life. :)

  7. “other, explain below”

    My BH will be completly grey. Only credits will affect my morality choices!

  8. I am going to make whatever choices I need to get a purple lightsaber (favorite color), and if purple color has no LS/DS restrictions then I will go whatever route will give me the best looking armor to match my shiny purple killstick.

    So in reality I’m a dark side female gamer who will do anything to look good. :-)

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