Sep 17, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 11 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: What Planet Are You Aching To See?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

It could be from one of the movies, a book from the extended universe or even another video game. Each one of us probably has a favorite planet in the Star Wars galaxy and find ourselves saying, “I wish I could see it.” Well, before the year is up, you might just get that chance.

There are literally hundreds of planets in the Star Wars galaxy that are literally dream destinations longing to be seen by fans around the world.

Maybe it’s the iconic locations: Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth, and so on. Sure, it’s thousands of years before the Battle of Hoth took place. But, we’re still getting to see it and interact with it with our own eyes knowing what’s going to happen three millenia in the future. Or maybe the chance to walk across Alderaan in a time before it was blown to bits in Episode IV.

And then there are more obscure planets such as Balmorra, Belsavis and Ilum. There are even planets created for TOR that have never been seen before, such as Voss.

There are so many things I want to see, that I can’t just narrow it down to one choice. I mean, I want to see the destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the snow covered wastes of Hoth. I want to take my first steps on Korriban and take it all in, then see the dark and foreboding planet that is Drummond Kaas.

But, if I had to choose one, one planet that I think will be the greatest planet to see, it would have to be Nar Shadda. It’s got a very Las Vegas feel to it, in the bright lights of shiny colors asepct. I remember being on the planet in Knights of the Old Republic II and wanting to see more of it. Now I’m getting my chance to see one of the most breathtaking planets in the galaxy.

But what about you? What is that one planet you can’t wait to walk across with your character in TOR? It could be Corellia, Taris, Tython or maybe one of the planets I already listed. Maybe it’s one I didn’t. Be sure to vote, and say what about the planet makes you want to see it the most!

Which planet are you most looking forward to visitng in TOR?

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  1. I’m most interested in visiting Hoth for the Chiss storyline.

  2. I wish I could even narrow it down to 1 planet, I plan to explore all they will let me land on as a Sith and may even be forced to make a ……. its hard for me to even say it…….”good guy” just to see the rest.

  3. Tatooine for sure. I love that planet most from the movies. I also really like desert landscapes for some reason even though I do not live in one.

  4. Coruscant for me. I hope they allow us to really truly explore that place. Hopefully they don’t limit us to a couple small predefined sections with little depth.

    I’d love to look at the nitty gritty of the place, all the weird corners of the planet!

  5. Nar Shadaa

    This is (as the devs have said) The first planet you get to interact with the opposing faction. Mmmmm the smell of conflict and Hutts.

  6. I picked Hoth, but it’s #2 for me.

    I want to see Kamino the most.

  7. Out of the ones listed, it would be Dromund Kaas.
    However I honestly think the planet I would most like to see is Manaan.
    From Kotor, I loved the idea of a government that basically forced the jedi and sith to cooperate against their will and them not being able to do anything about it because of the bacta tanks.

  8. It’s clear what Coruscant will be. I am much more interested in how they made Dromund Kaas to be competitive to Coruscant in terms of awesomeness and if it is competitive at all.

  9. I cant choose between Taris or Tatooine
    tatooine because I want to see what the republic is doing, we already know the imperial story

    Taris because I loved it in kotor and was actualy sad when it got destroyed. I what to see what it is like now

  10. ScytheNoire says:

    Hoth for me, but kinda biased, since I’ve already played and seen some of them.

    If I hadn’t played, it would have been Dromund Kaas.

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