Aug 24, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 16 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: Would You Purchase A Life-time Subscription To TOR?

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If it wasn’t “officially” confirmed before, we learned when Star Wars: The Old Republic became available for pre-order that there will be a monthly subscription fee associated with playing the game.  We don’t yet know what this fee will be, but we’re hoping to learn very soon. We also expect there will be a slight “discount” for longer term commitments such as 3-month or 6-month terms, but this is just speculation based on industry precedence.

Beyond that, some MMO games even go as far as offering a lifetime subscription, eliminating monthly dues, usually for a healthy chunk of cash. When Lord Of The Rings Online was launched, it offered players a lifetime subscription for $199, for example.

Some players are completely confident that they’ll play the game for at least a few years, turning such one-time purchases into smart economics over the long term. But there are also some risks to such an investment. Sometimes developers decide to shift the course of the game or introduce some dramatic changes, causing a fairly big portion of players to quit. As a lifetime subscriber, you can certainly stop playing the game too – but would likely feel that your purchase was under-serviced.

Here in the TOR community, it seems quite a few people would be completely fine with paying $300 for a lifetime subscription. In fact, there is also a group of people that will be fine with paying more than $300 for the subscription. Personally, I plan on taking monthly subscription originally and perhaps upgrading to a 3-month subscription later on (assuming TOR will follow the traditional model).

What about you? Would you buy a life-time subscription for TOR? What’s the “price ceiling” for you? Let us know below!

Would you purchase a lifetime subscription for TOR?

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What price would you be willing to pay for a lifetime subscription?

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  1. I would pay up to $300, as long as there was some guarantee of the game not going free-to-play.

  2. I voted no, only because the fact is i haven’t played the game yet so i dont know if its good or not. Sure it look good from what ive seen, but i cannot say i would pay few hundred bucks for a lifetime subscription until i try it.

    If i indeed like it when i comes out and i know at that point that i will play this game for at least 2 years, then yeah i would spend 200-300$ for a lifetime subscription.

  3. Brax Kedren says:

    Having played the game some, easily worth 300 -400 and I would pay it.

  4. I clicked yes, but like @Zippy without playing it that is a huge assumption. The concept of a single update shifting the game to ‘I guess I will play something else’ is tough to visualize, but hey we all saw how NGE impacted Galaxies.

  5. I bought the Lifetime subscription in LOTRO and it was once of the best things I ever did. Five years later, I still play the game, without any restrictions even though it is now F2P. I would definitely do this for #SWTOR

  6. I’m not a fan of lifetime subs, in the long run it takes development and service $$ away from SWTOR and I don’t think they need a scheme like that to recoup their initial expenditures.

  7. DozingDawg says:

    Have the cash now dont even know I will have a job in a year. If I can pay for it all now then I’m good to go from now. And the game is going to be great so it would only be good for me.

  8. My wife and I have been saving away a little every month for 2+ years on the *hope* that TOR will have a $300 Lifetime Subscription option. If not…well…we pay for as many months as we can and have extra money to use in other ways.

  9. FYI, I asked Daniel Erickson at the E3 meet n greet about life time subscriptions and he shook his head “no” and said TOR won’t have them. So don’t get your hopes up.

  10. Every Lifetime subscription game I’ve seen so far has gone free to play anyways.

    I’ve come to understand that offering a lifetime subscription is the developer’s way of saying they don’t think the game is going to do very well and they just want to get some more money out of it now.

  11. Interesting concept. I would definitely think about it and take a month or so of playing before I decided for sure. But for under $200 I think that’s a really good idea. I could easily save up that much if I knew I would be playing for a long time.

  12. Offering a lifetime sub with a AAA release will be a cop out by the devs. They might as well say: “we think this title may tank, so cough up a lot of cash a.s.a.p pl0x”.

    Not going to happen, and I for one am I happy about that. I’d rather pay a sub, knowing the fee will go towards continuous development and maintenance, rather than a cash grab, of what looks to be a truly magnificent game.

    • I totally agree that lifetime subs are like the Devs saying we think our game will tank and we need your money up front.

      While I would pay into a lifetime sub for this game, I am glad they are not going to have one.

  13. BearThing says:

    People who would buy a lifetime subscription before release are a game’s most ardent fans. They are the ones who will still be paying their monthly subs long after the dabblers have come and gone. The only reason to cut yourself off from that revenue stream would be if you desperately need a cash infusion to get the game out the door. I don’t think EA is in that position.

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