Aug 21, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 10 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: Would You Like Guild Vs. Guild Encounters In TOR?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

Imagine this – a cutscene of your personal starship, complete with a custom paint job, docking with your guild’s capital ship. Just then, an attack by a rival guild! Desperate to defend your ship, you and 10 of your guild mates take out your companions and split up in two groups of 5 players. One defending the bridge, the other covering the generator room. The enemy guild ship engages in a firefight, while the opposing guild’s players invade your ship via special pods and the real battle begins. From here on, only strategy, teamwork and communication will secure victory!

If reading the paragraph above didn’t trigger a sudden urge to participate in a guild versus guild encounter, then perhaps this whole PvP thing is just not for you. But for those who do enjoy a good challenge and a worthy opponent, as well as to have a nability to directly challenge rival guilds (going beyond the generic PvP Warzones) – these encounters would be ideal.

Some folks have already compiled a very interesting list and a description of a speculated guild capital ship system, with some lists growing to be a lot more sophisticated and organized. Clearly, a very large chunk of a community wants this to be in-game.

In our interview with James Ohlen at PAX East, he confirmed that guild capital ships are high on the priority list will eventually be implemented in-game:

Ask A Jedi: At gamescom last year, you dropped a little hint about the possibility of guild capital ships. Is there any update you can give us on that?

James Ohlen: That’s definitely on the wish list! Every single one of my senior designers loves that idea. All the way back in 2006 that was brought up in design. I was the mean design manager who was like “we have to finish a game here, we can’t have ridiculous features like guild capital ships for launch!” and they would say “we can get it in!”

The community can know that almost every one of my senior designers is on the side of doing it. I’m pretty sure its eventually going to get in the game, because they’ll beat me up until I promote it to the next feature. If it’s not in for ship, it will definitely be a patch down the road.

Personally, I really hope that this idea will make it into TOR in some way… it would be innovative, as well as make the PvP experience more personal.

What about you? Would you like to see these and other guild vs. guild encounters in TOR? Do you think it would help the longevity of the game? Let us know below!

Would you like to see guild vs. guild PvP encounters in TOR?

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  1. Well I always appreciate a quandary with my Milk and Cereal. Although I am not a huge fan of PvP, I like the concept. My issue with PvP has always been the self centered concept of most of it, but battle another guild for guild level props …. not that could be interesting. Especially if there is Guild based rewards.
    BUT ….. of items on their wish wall I would hope that it is not at the top. There are some more mid level operations I would like to see.

  2. I’m actually apart of a guild called conclave atrum, we have a sister guild that will be republic in which we will be planning some Us vs them events.

    If there are purpose built guild vs guild encounters then that would be a bonus for us.

  3. I’d be perfectly happy with a instanced hang out spot in orbit with my guild mates. Going to have to get a big ship for the guild I am in (499 members).

  4. Kyliwilli says:

    Ok as soon as I started reading the first paragraph I thought starwars battlefront 2 it would be so amazing if the swtor team could figure out a way to implement the space battles from swbf2 into the guild vs guild capital ship idea. Although I do see some problems first of all and probable the most major is the ship battle portion of the combat I personally thing it would be pretty immersion braking to see the same 6 ships flying around attacking each other and that’s even if you can have cross faction guild nemesi otherwise it will only be 3 different ships. secondly with what we know about space combat for swtor it is a very linear system where you only move side to side to avoid asteroids and press the mouse buttons to fire your turrets like in lego starwars. I’m not saying this is a bad thing it just isn’t what space combat needs to be if my idea where to work. These are my two major problems with having a swbf2 type instace for the guild vs guild space battles but if the bioware team can make it work then I would love to see it. Anyways let me know what you guys think.

  5. Wow, that would make me such a happy camper!!! To be able to defend or attack another guilds ship seems to bring more depth to pvp, makes me WANT to win more, like I HAVE to win or else, instead of just doing arena style duels with no goal besides winning. Just my 2 cents

  6. SorcererBiggz says:

    GvG made Guild Wars into the known entity it is today. Adding a form of GvG into SWTOR, imo, would only be good for the game. Guild Versus Guild is just overall fun and it’s nice. Capitol Ships and Guild ‘Halls’ or ‘Buildings’ or ‘Planets’ or whatever are amazing ideas. It’s just something that’s really nice for an MMO to have. A Guild Progression system would be a nice way to implement when a Guild could buy their Capitol Ship and what not too. They could do quite a bit centered around Guilds.

  7. So where’s the ‘Hell Yes!’ option? >_>

    Seriously, this would make me extremely happy if it were in the game. PvP is one of my favorite aspects of MMOs and being able to do so with your guildmates while defending something that has meaning to you would be great.

  8. Abner Ford says:

    I’ve been in love with the idea of guild ships since before the devs even openly addressed their desire to implement it. I wrote up a suggestion post years ago for WoW, proposing an idea for an “Open Seas” expansion, where guilds would get their own ship, claim their own island with a guild hall/fortress, and fight in open PvP areas for control of the seas.

    Now, Old Republic wouldn’t do well with complete open PvP (just not the right crowd, nor do I feel it really fits the setting), but an Empire vs. Republic guild capital ship battle would be so great. It would really separate the game from other ones. They would have to have some kind of boarding mechanism though to integrate the land combat, allowing us to see our “heroes” actively taking part in a spaceship battle, a la the Return trailer. I have so many ideas, but it would turn this into a too-huge post.

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