Feb 2, 2011

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Yellow Posts: Max Level, Environment Manipulation, Auto-Attack and More

Shortly before the holidays, there was a sudden and massive increase in developer posts on the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ forums, much to the joy of TOR fans everywhere. Though there was an understandable lull in activity over Christmas, the Dev Tracker now seems to be lighting up again with regulariity, and proving to be a great source of new information!

This week, Damion Schubert and Georg Zoeller have been the busiest.

In a thread entitled, appropriately enough “Max level?,” Damion Schubert confirms what has been speculated for some time:

As of this moment, max level is 50. This is unlikely to change before we ship, but you know, the usual qualifiers apply.

Later, in the German version of the Taral V – Flashpoint thread, Georg Zoeller responded to a question about the apparent ability of the Jedi to manipulate the environment. The response is good news for all classes (and quite cool in itself!):

All classes have the ability to manipulate certain objects in the environment – usually to the detriment of said objects

Mr. Zoeller also goes on to post in a thread called “No auto-attack“:

Auto attack traditionally helps solving latency issues by allowing people with higher latency connections to achieve an equal number of ability activations than people with very low latency.

There are other ways to achieve this effect however without introducing auto attack.

Georg goes on with several other responses in that thread as well.

These are just some of the highlights, but we highly recommend you keep yourself tuned-in to the Dev Tracker as much as possible – there could be another surprise posted at any time!

If you’re a fan of RSS, the great peeps over at R2-DB.com have created an RSS feed of the Dev Tracker for you here: feed://r2-db.com/devtracker.php

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