Sep 4, 2010

Posted by in News | 5 Comments

PAX: Saturday Event Update!

We all just streamed out of the theater after watching the guys from BioWare and LucasArts (and a couple of the TOR community members) show us some new stuff about The Old Republic!

Some highlights that were shown:

  • Jedi gameplay on Tython
  • The forging of the Jedi’s first light saber on Tython
  • PvP Warzone on Alderaan*
  • Revan
  • HK-47!

(*Note: PvP video included no actual PvP)

HK has returned... !

HK has returned... !

We have a video recording of the entire session, which we’ll be uploading soon. But in the mean time, check out the new trailer posted on the Star Wars: The Old Republic official web site – it is just a taste of what we saw during the presentation today!

The Jedi Civil War left many unanswered questions. In the difficult days following the showdown between Darth Revan and Darth Malak, the Jedi Order struggled to survive, leaving little time for investigations. Redeemed as a Jedi, Revan traveled into deep space in search of a mysterious evil. We now know that the source of this evil was the reconstituted Sith Empire, but that solves only a portion of the mystery…

You can view the trailer here.

  1. Link for the trailer isn’t there, but found it on the site.

    I’m still seeing what looks to be npcs just standing there letting themselves be shot. Sitting here with friends watching, even they thought it looked odd. Is this what you’re seeing when you played yesterday? Looks terribly static and very unrealistic.

  2. cdstephens says:

    I’ve heard rumors that there was PvPvE? Can you expand on what you saw in the video with the 4 Republic characters?

    • It was very cool, and yes I’d say it was PvPvE. It cut back and fort between the Republic party fighting and powering through things, as well as the Imperial side… then, all of a sudden they find themselves face to face… and they cut it off just as they were charging each other!

      If they can set up the Warzones like that, and give them that feel, it will be a winner.

      • That’s what I am hoping they do, keep the PvPvE content in Warzones and out of Flashpoints, hopefull the Flashpoints are only PvE based…The amount of QQ would be horrific if not.

      • cdstephens says:

        If they keep it in Warzones I’ll be fine. In fact, it would them be injecting story into PvP, which would be very, very cool.

        If they do it outside of instanced areas, however, the effects would be horrific.


  1. TOR előadás a PAX-on | Star Wars: The Old Republic Hungary - [...] Vége a bemutatónak. Ígéretet látok arra, hogy videón megkapjuk a fontos részeket. UPDATE: az elvileg hamarosan felteszi az…

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