Aug 23, 2010

Posted by in Columns, News | 1 Comment

Ask A Jedi: Will the Light Side/Dark Side struggle go on forever?

If you spend any time on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic forums, you are sure to have seen his passion and prose regarding all things Jedi. You know him as Professor Walsh. Each week (or thereabouts,) Professor Walsh will answer a few reader-submitted questions in order to enlighten us all with the ways of the Jedi. You can submit your own question at the end of the article!

Dear Jedi,

I just watched the new timeline entry and I was wondering: why didn’t the Jedi Council intervene in the Mandalorian Wars? If this was covered in KOTOR I can no longer recall the reason and am curious.

– Emcee Beanyboy

Dear Beanyboy,

We don’t actually know the answer to this question. There are a number of theories however; I believe that the Council saw that there would be a great catastrophe if the Jedi became involved in the Mandalorian Wars. Interestingly enough if this was the case, which it was alluded to, then the Jedi Council was correct. Revan went to war, fell, and ended up causing much more damage than the Mandalorians did.

Dear Jedi,

My question to you is do you believe that the struggle between the Dark Side and Light Side will continue to the end of time? I understand there have been thousands of years of peace at times but what is your opinion on the matter?

– Dylan

Dear Dylan,

Nope. There will always be a struggle. The Dark Side seeks to conquer everything (including the Light Side) while the Light Side simply seeks balance (thus only fights the Dark Side until balance is achieved and then works to maintain that balance) so the Light Side won’t ever “destroy” the Dark Side, only beat it back into balance. You can’t reason with the Dark Side, as such is against the nature of it, and you can’t destroy completely it unless you are willing to break the balance.

I hope my opinion helps to shed some light.

Dear Jedi,

If you were a Jedi, color would your lightsaber be?

– Mandoran Elite

Dear Elite,

There is no actual significance to the color of the lightsaber. While it is true that as of KotOR they put some specific tendencies on color, and in the movies it is implied that the Sith always use crimson, it has never been stated for Jedi. We have seen all manner of Jedi use all manner of lightsabers. Yoda used green, Luke used blue, then green, Obi-wan used blue, then white, Mace Windu used purple, and we even saw yellow. There have been exotic colors of lightsabers too, including at least one that changed colors like a rainbow.

Personally? I like silver.

Lego Luke

Do you have a question for our Jedi-in-residence, Professor Walsh? Submit it via the form below, and we’ll be sure to pass it along to him when he emerges from meditation.

  1. I thought Kenobi always used blue. Where is he shown using a white lightsaber?

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