Posted by Professor Walsh | 0 Comments
New Column: Ask A Jedi!
Yes, we realize the name of our site is Ask A Jedi – The idea is that Jedi are very wise and knowing about the ways of all things in the galaxy. However, we wanted to take it a step further and create a place where you could literally ask a Jedi something that’s on your mind!
Since we don’t have an actual Jedi available to us, we went and got the next best thing. If you spend any time on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic forums, you are sure to have seen his passion and prose regarding all things Jedi. You know him as Professor Walsh.
Each week (or thereabouts,) Professor Walsh will answer a few reader-submitted questions in order to enlighten us all with the ways of the Jedi. To kick off this inaugural column, we decided to start with a few common questions that come up frequently, and hopefully provide some answers (or at least spur more discussion!) Enjoy!
Dear Jedi,
Why do the Sith only deal in absolutes? Does that mean that the Jedi can’t have yes and no questions? If I ask a Jedi if the water is on, and it is, is he going to answer “maybe” to me?
– Indecisive Jedi Annoy Me
Dear Indecisive,
This comment is often taken out of context. What Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi meant by his comment was specifically referring to Anakin’s flawed logic around the idea that “You are either with me or are trying to kill me.” It is possible to be against someone, without wanting to kill them, and this is what Obi-Wan was referring to.
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