Sep 30, 2011

Posted by in Blue Milk & Cereal | 22 Comments

Blue Milk & Cereal: What Are Your Launch Day Plans Or Traditions?

No day would be complete without the breakfast of Jedi: Blue Milk & Cereal.  Every morning, the team at Ask A Jedi will get Force-induced thoughts coursing through your head with delicious issues from around the galaxy! Join in the discussion below to make your voice heard!

Launch day for an MMO is special. It’s always an exciting time for both the player and the company that created the game. It’s when the fun finally gets rolling for players, but also when the work truly begins for the company.

For those of us who have experienced the joys (and sometimes frustrations) that come with the launch of an MMO, we sometimes also have traditions for this jubilant day. Stocking up on food, changing our sleeping schedule, or just clearing a few days off from school or work so we can put full attention on the game, as much as possible. Maybe it’s a midnight launch and you decide to play through the night, not stopping until you reach a designated level!

For me, I try to keep it rather simple. I’ll stock up on Mountain Dew and some food. I’ve always had a routine of at least playing through the first night then falling asleep later in the day.

This is another one that’s tough to fit into a poll, even though we’ll give it a whirl! So tell us about YOUR launch day plans or traditions in the comments below!

What are your launch day plans? Check all that apply!

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  1. Stock up on Redbull, Junkfood, inform neighbours about sound level being high, get myself high, and play till I’m asleep and got a keyboard imprint on my face :D

  2. I hope its a midnight release… I like having sa few friends over with their comps, we stock up on pizza and coke and go to town!

    We will play thru the night until we all reach level 15, whenever that is, and cap it off with breakfast at Denny’s!

  3. Go on skiing-vacation for a week =)

  4. besides the common, I also set aside some time on the big screen get the HDMI cables out, and the wife and i go through all the opening Cinematic scenes, create the first toon (always in her name) and we use the character creator.

  5. My ‘Other’ doesn’t really apply to launch day, or better say extends well beyond launch day. Being something of a chronic altoholic, my plan is to stick to one character until I get him to at least level 30.

    I figure I have a slightly better chance of doing that than I do of keeping a new year’s resolution.

  6. My plan – avoid the game like the plague and carry on with real life as normal!

    I can’t remember a game that had a ‘good’ launch day, so I’d rather not reserve the day from RL to find I only get to play for an hour or two due.

  7. First, I have to dive right into the game and level a character at least through the starting area.

    Second, I have to roll a new class and do the same thing.

    Third, I have to roll another new class and do it again.

    Repeat steps 1-3.

    Occasionally, one of those characters will be so flipping fun to play that I just keep on playing to who knows what level before I feel like I’m getting too far ahead on them and force myself to switch.

    Once I’ve rolled at least one of every class, and possibly 2-3 of a few, I’ll go back to the one that I enjoyed the most up to that point and put in some serious leveling time on them and slowly spread the love around.

  8. I canceld my ski trip..wasn’t too excited about it anyway and since I have winter break I don’t have to be “sick” to stay home :P

  9. Interesting question. When IS launch day? Most of us here have pre-ordered and will be getting into the game at some point before 12/20, but we don’t know when. It’s hard to plan.

    You should have seen my friend’s face when he proudly told me he took the 20th and 21st off of work, yesterday, and I informed him that he’ll be getting the game before that….

  10. 1. Good Coffee
    2. A clear path to the pathroom
    3. Plenty of water (see #1 and #2 above)
    4. Sushi
    5. Sandwiches
    6. Close the door and no one gets hurt.

  11. I have 2 weeks work of holidays from the 15th to the 28th :D Also have to stock up on vitamin water, redbull, snacks, etc. Gotta have lotsa good food like veggies and fruits etc to try and keep me going! Also gotta be comfy so PJs are a must. :P

  12. I am a part time worker at UPS and work full time driving Simi-trucks in the yard or over the road for the holiday so when the game comes out I will be working 12+ hour days 6 days a week trying to get hired in full time at UPS. Darn you Bioware for releasing the game right at the one time of the year I can not play. But on Dec 24th it will be game on!

  13. “Other” i take my time with the character creator and desing 3 or 4 characters with the names I want, it will takebetween 2-8 hours, it depends on how actually good its the character creator.

  14. Hubby and I go to the local game store for the midnight release. Come home and jump on vent to chat with guildies while we are loading the game. Take a few days of vacation time. And most importantly we stock up on good snacks. Cut up fruit and cheese and crackers. Things like that. That way we can get some serious gaming in without expanding our waistlines.

    Even though we are getting early access will still do the midnight release since it is a great time.

  15. I will be playing in the early access so I will mostly likely go to work on the actual launch day and play in the evening. I’ll probably take the day off and play all day if the early access starts on a weekday though.

  16. I plan on doing all of the above except have a lan party. Play as soon as the servers come up. Create all my characters(Just 2)to save names. Level 25-30 only one of them. I will have lots of water, canned fruit to eat and a carton of smokes. Out of school for the holiday break the 18th of Dec to the 9th of Jan. Brand new sweats and sock to wear. I don’t work so no job to go to. I love college.

  17. One of my traditions for a launch is head to gamestop at least an hour before it closes if there is a midnight release for the game. Chit chat with the staff until the store closes then wait outside to be the first in line… that’s what I am going to be doing with SW:TOR even though I will already have early game access… I want all the cool little goodies that come with the game both virtual and physical…

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