Mar 11, 2011

Posted by in News | 18 Comments

PAX East 2011: Taral V Gameplay – Jedi Knight

PAX East 2011 is underway… and in a big way! Star Wars: The Old Republic is easily the busiest booth from my perspective. But with so much to cover, where do we start?

Since we haven’t had an opportunity to play ourselves yet, we decided to start with posting some video of one of the PAX attendees playing the Taral V Flashpoint as a Jedi Knight. This is raw video, and only covers the “jungle” on the way to the fortress itself.

Let me just say after standing in front of this beautiful 50″ screen, that TOR looks absolutely stunning in person and in hi-definition. The graphics and environments are stunning and immersive. And sadly, I am now convinced I want to play it on a 50″ (or larger) display! :)

We’ll be bringing more videos like this to you throughout the weekend, so stay tuned!

  1. Chriswsm says:

    It does indeed look good

    Me wanna play *sniff*

  2. Imnotconvinced says:

    You gotta be kidding me ?
    is this the best they came up with? they going to compete with wow with this ?


    • Obviously says:

      Lol. You are such a troll. Let’s be honest with ourselves here. Take a look at WoW. Now take a look at TOR. Now back to WoW…… aaaaand now back to TOR. You can try to act like you think it’s stupid, but just face it: WoW is finally coming to an end. We ALL KNOW it. We know it. TOR is a THOUSAND percent better, man! Forget WoW. Join the TOR party. You’ll be happy you did.

      • i agree, TOR seems a lot better,
        but WoW has 3 very powerful weapons.

        1. it is very popular. u can try and deny it, but many many people preffer to play WoW over another MMO because their friends and “everyone” plays it. like a trend.

        2. it is very low spec. if wow had TOR’s graphics, which are not the best anyway, its subs would drop by at least 25%. (guess)

        3. people are too attached to whatever progress they made for half a decade, and they will think twice before abandoning it.

  3. omg this jedi guardian is the biggest noob ever…!

  4. VioletZero says:

    The running animation is worlds superior than it was before.

  5. OMFG Lethality or Walsh… INSANITY.. Love the game play footage. thanks guy Awesome stuff.

  6. Wow, this player is god awful. But the game looks good :)

    • Yes, thank you very much for the footage. The game is looking really really good. As for the players in the group, well, it was so obvious that they were completely lost in terms of how to work there characters properly. Matthew, I believe, you and I would be playing it about the same= not too good at all. We have to remember that they are playing level 30 plus characters with zero knowledge of the combat. I mean look at the action bars with all of the combat moves, buffs, debuffs they have…..hello I’m lost lol. Now if they started from level 1 until that instance, and they played like that, then yes they totally suck …period.

    • ya if you go to you tube they have alot of taral v gameplay posted . I have to agree that the jedi player is so god aweful. go to you tube and you can see some decent players….. makes for a much better experience.

  7. LordOfTheDance says:

    I gotta say that the animations are gorgeous. I can only imagine how much better this would look with players experienced with the game.

  8. 1stStringNerdSlayer says:

    holy crap when did they add light sabers to wow?

  9. The game looks great. It keeps with what people expect from an MMO and does some things a little differently, like destructible objects.

    • Lethality says:

      Agreed. I think the environment thing is a big deal. When we played at PAX East, you could interact with certain objects as any class – but each class would do something different with the same object.

      For example a Trooper would shoot it, and it would explode, a Jedi might Force-push etc.

      So think of the tree that Satele Shan pulls down on Malgus in the Hope trailer. That “tree” might be an active object in the game for any class.



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