Oct 19, 2011

Posted by in News | 7 Comments

Press Embargo Drops Tomorrow

IGN has posted an article that many readers here will appreciate:

IGN has been tooling around in the Old Republic beta for the last week or two, and we’re just about ready to spew forth (in the best way possible) a whole heap of information. Tomorrow at 9 AM Pacific you can look forward to a pile of new content. Then starting Monday (the 24th) and lasting through to Friday (the 28th) we’ll be posting a brand new Old Republic article every. Single. Day.

If you pay attention to the Developer Twitter feed (just to the right of the first article on the site), you have probably seen these Steven Reid’s warnings already, but in the interest of presenting the information in one place, here are the relevant tweets:

@Rockjaw As others have noted, we have a press embargo on #SWTOR dropping tomorrow. We’ve had press in for a while. Testers are still under NDA.

@Rockjaw That means if you’re in testing, you’re still bound by NDA. Only press who have been admitted will be sharing their impressions.

@Rockjaw Watch the @SWTOR account for retweets of coverage btw.

@Rockjaw Simple rule on press embargoes: unless you’ve been told you’re under embargo, you’re a tester. Ergo, no, you can’t talk about the game.


The first rule of Beta is, you don't talk about Beta. The second rule of Beta is...

To wit: starting tomorrow, press entities that have been in the game (such as IGN, Buffed.de, etc) and testing will be allowed to cover the game free of any binding contracts. Next week, the 24th – 28th, IGN will be covering SW:TOR with a new article daily, so pay special attention there.

However, if you are currently in testing (or did the weekend tests), this means nothing for you; you are still under the NDA. Do not violate this! Reid has made it clear that you will face his wrath should you dare tread those waters.

Unfortunately, Ask A Jedi and other fan sites aren’t categorized as “press” so we won’t have anything to share but enthusiasm, and coverage of the coverage! But, just maybe, that will change soon ;)

  1. I look forward to the fansites giving us some great insight and opinions of the Press coverage.

  2. Lord-Maknoe says:

    I hope the guys at Askajedi can get every little bit of info from the press info release. :D

  3. I hope there are still some limitations on what they are allowed to say. I really don’t want IGN ruining any story spoilers because they want hits and feel like dropping info that no one else has.

    Stuff about how the game plays, mechanics, etc is all well and good. I just don’t need things ruined by the “press.”

    • I understand where you’re coming from with this and agree. Our best bet is probably to limit ourselves to how much we see rather than count on the media to do it.

  4. That is, the press want exclusive rights to write about the game, and will do a good PR job for BW if they get it. While Beta testers, who may give a more critical view, need to keep silence.

  5. Lethality says:

    Just as an aside, when we get into providing our own coverage of the beta, you can count on very clear communication and protection on any potential story spoilers that might appear!


  1. » Press NDA Embargo Dropped! Force Fed - [...] Askajedi for the announcement and the corresponding developer [...]

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